Thanks to Olympic swimming phenomena Michael Phelps, the Internet exploded with praise for cupping in the summer of 2016! Everyone wanted to know why this mega-star athlete was covered with purple circles!

For 20 years I have been successfully healing and relieving pain for my patients with acupuncture and cupping. In recent years, thanks to the adoring approval of celebrities like Jennifer Anniston, Gwyneth Paltrow, Matthew Roderick, and Michael Phelps, cupping has joined center stage in assisting restoration of peak body function.
What is the appeal of having suction cups placed on your body – often causing red or purple circles that may remain for days? It’s simple: fast effective pain relief and accelerated healing. I literally have dozens of delighted cupping “addicts” in my practice.
People like hairdressers, surgeons, dentists, accountants, or architects are often bent over an important task for hours at a time. They are almost always suffering from regular pain.
Many patients describe cupping as feeling like an instant deep tissue massage. And the relieving effects are so much longer lasting than massage. Luchy, who spends a lot of time working on a computer knew in his very first session that this was for him.
Excellent and highly recommended. Tara is hands down the best! I feel a significant improvement in my overall health. I love the cupping! My back pain has been reduced an 80% after just 2 sessions!
Luciano Olguin

Whatever type of care someone is coming in for, they most often welcome the pain relieving and health restorative effects of cupping in their session!
Robin, an avid yoga practitioner, had this to say:

Tara is pure magic -- and I've been to many acupuncturists over the years, so I know. I've had chronic pain in my shoulder for years, and thanks to her, I'm pain free. She also works her magic for general well-being, using cupping and other techniques, both ancient and new.
Robin M
Cupping takes just several minutes. It’s achieved by creating a vacuum inside a glass or plastic cup that is placed on the body (most often the neck, upper/lower back or hips). The concept is to pull problem elements into the surface layers so one’s body can more easily dispose of them.
Ironically, cupping has been consistently and successfully used all over the world for hundreds of years, If you haven’t tried it yet, you may be missing out!

Benefits of cupping
- Pain relief
- Reduce inflammation
- Increase blood flow
- Improve relaxation and well-being
- Deep tissue massage
Cupping can loosen muscles, encourage blood flow, and sedate the nervous system (which makes it an excellent treatment for high blood pressure).
Cupping is used to relieve back pain, neck and shoulder pain, stiff muscles, anxiety, fatigue, headaches and migraines, rheumatism, and even cellulite.
If you like to find out how cupping can help you, please call me at (310) 586-9787 or send me an email: [email protected]
To find out more about cupping, visit the National Center for Complimentary and Integrative Health